our family: self-timer portrait, before bed january 2011
How did I get to this point? Two sleepy heads upstairs, and one bouncing around in my belly. How did I get to the moment in life where I think of these boys more often than I think of myself? What was the tipping point? More importantly, how am I going to add another little guy to think about? How will he fit into our family of four? Will love continue to multiply–or will I allow it to be divide and to be distracted?
I've heard it told that humans have a distinct threshold for relationship, and when a person begins to exceed that threshold each and every relationship suffers. A dear friend of ours phrased it this way, that everyone is like a lego with a certain number of pegs on top (probably not a literal 2 or 4 or 6)–once those pegs are full, that person has little additional room for deep impact. He wanted to get to know our family at the time, but respected the fact that our lego may well be full. I wonder, do my people at home occupy my lego pegs–or are they like freebies, assumed and invisible extra pegs? Do relationships formed and grown online occupy pegs? How do I, in this season of life, decide who to set aside a peg for? Am I using my relationship threshold wisely?