what if it’s been said?

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 07/06/12 •  2 min read

Most often in life, there is a moment when we feel like we just might have something to say.  It is a whisper, a realization, a small dream you dared to conjure up, a seed planted deep inside.  The ways we go about having our say look as different as our individual genetic makeup.

Some people have their say by voting a particular way or for a particular thing.  Some people have their say by nursing the sick back to health.  Some people have their say by writing music so heartbreakingly beautiful it haunts.  And some people, they have their say by telling tales and wrangling words to the page.

What happens when you feel like what you have to say has already been said?  Maybe you know that it’s been said, and someone already said it better than you think you possibly could.

There have been words I’ve read that so accurately describe a lifelong feeling I thought was only mine.  This is the reason writers write, I think.  The reason they keep putting pen to page, keep tapping on the keys, turning sentences into pages.  We write to make others feel not alone.  But, while it’s beautiful to read words and feel solidarity, it can also be disheartening when you begin to realize there is not a single new thought on all the Earth.

This is true, of course.  The human condition is universal.  We all share the same realities, that our days are waning from our very first breath.  That we’ll grow bigger and stronger before we start growing weaker and less independent.  We’ll encounter joy and sorrow in spades.

The thing that makes a story worth reading and a story worth telling is perspective.  And, know this when you’re feeling discouraged, no one on Earth shares your exact perspective.  No one.

So tell your story, share your thoughts, have your say.  The world needs you to have your say, because it makes others know they are not alone.  Have your say, even if it feels like it’s been said before.  Most likely someone needs a remember, a fresh take, and pat on the back or kick in the rear.