Tiny Twig Gets a Leg Up

By tiny twig •  Updated: 01/27/10 •  1 min read

Tiny Twig got a little bit of a makeover tonight.  :)  My darling and dear friend has been working slavishly (whilst eating tea and crumpets in Cambridge, UK) on a new header for me–and I've been working a little bit to get some new buttons up.  More changes will be coming in the near future.  Keep an eye out!

Also, if you'd like to participate in a future challenge and be a guest blogger on Saturday of that week…email me (thetinytwig(at)gmail(dot)com) for a date and a mission (don't worry, I'll give you a few choices so you don't end up getting a tattoo that you don't want or something!!!). 

Hope you are all enjoying your week…its halfway through!  Husband and I have been watching President Obama's first State of the Union Address tonight as I've been fiddling with the blog.  He's always such a charismatic communicator. 
