Lipstick can be overwhelming. Between lipstick, lip pencils, chap stick, lip balm, matte, creamy, shiny, and just about every other adjective in the book, it can be hard to even figure out what KIND of lipstick you like, let alone what color. So I thought I would try and help by breaking down 7 of my favorite lip colors. I use them all for different reasons, when I am going different places and trying to go for a certain look. And as a disclaimer, I have tried to narrow it down to just a few but I have a hard time deciding because I tend to like one color for a while, get sick of it, and then start wearing it again. I have pretty fair skin (as you can see on my hand) so I tend to stay away from the super dark colors as those give my face quite the contrast that I don’t like on myself. Some on the other hand, rock the contrast, it’s just not for me!

Kicking it off with my most used, favorite, and affordable. It’s like a lip sharpie? Not sure if that sounds like a good thing or not? Anyways, for me it really gives my lips some color without really making it look like I am wearing anything heavy. It’s definitely along the lines of matte because it doesn’t give any shine. It literally just makes my lips look a little stained. It comes in a lot of good peachy, pink, and nude shades, too. Sidenote: it does not work for my lips when they are super dry because it gets all flaky. It’s my favorite lipstick to put on really fast because it doesn’t smear. o naturally there’s like 3 in different compartments in my car. Really organized and all (LOL). Shade pictured: teasing blush
This one is glossy, pretty bright, and good for warm weather. It gives my lips instant moisture and bright color. It stays on FOREVER. I have one in a brighter shade (pictured!), and one in a more nude shade. It smears easy so you have to be careful when you smack your lips together. Shade pictured: plushest punch
I am not afraid to admit that I went through a phase of being in love with matte lipstick and bought five different colors in this one kind of lipstick. It was a bad decision because two of the colors made me look like a clown BUT this one was perfect. It is matte enough where it looks matte but it doesn’t dehydrate my lips. It has a creaminess to it that I love. It’s really inexpensive. And if I wore matte lipstick more often, I would usually pick this one. It stays on for a really long time, and I usually find myself reapplying only once during the work/school day. Shade pictured: strawberry daiquiri

I have a love/hate lipstick with the real red, Taylor Swift singing, shade. Sometimes I get a little nervous of how bold is actually looks so I opted for a matte shade. It is still bold but without the shine. This is one of my more luxury kinds of lipstick that I like, too. Even at that it’s not much more than $20! For me, this definitely isn’t everyday but usually for a night out or a special occasion. Shade pictured: infrared
Okay so maybe I’m not totally over my matte obsession yet but I just love how you can get bold color without the shine. This lip pencil is a fave when it comes to darker colors. And this cranberry color is just about the darkest shade I will go. It works great for me when I have to dress-up for work and am trying to get the more sophisticated, mature kind of look. Because Lord knows that doesn’t come naturally to me! It’s a little expensive, but I don’t mind because I don’t fly through the entire thing very quickly. Shade pictured: damned
Here’s my really dry lips but still need some color lipstick. It’s not my favorite because the color is really really creamy and it also gives quite the shine (which is great if you like shine!) but it does its job, especially in the winter when my lips are chapped as can be and I want to brighten up my face.
Honorable Mention:
It comes in a million different shades along with clear to be used as an actual lip treatment. It smells wonderful. Really really wonderful. I just got it and have used it a few times. It’s creamy and does it job as far as moisturizing. I am planning on trying to clear one, too!