The Country Club :: Jace Freeman Short Documentary about Haiti

By tiny twig •  Updated: 07/13/11 •  1 min read

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stills from “The Country Club”

As a followup to his groundbreaking 2010 work, When the Ground Stopped Shaking Jace Freeman immediately went to work on a second film “The Country Club”.  This film is equally stunning visually and absolutely wrecks me for the people of Haiti.  Jace goes to gather up stories, and then he comes home and packages them up so we can’t look away.  We need to do something to make a difference, even if it is just to educate ourselves or love people in a new and more whole way.

His newest film, “The Country Club” is up for a sneak preview for a short time, and I strongly encourage you to check it out.  Husband and I were able to see a rough cut of this film some time ago, and I love the new edit even more than the first.  Jace is a true visionary with a heart for people, story, and art.

You can catch an interview Jace gave on Cool People Care.  The film is only 13 minutes long, so definitely watch it when you can–then let me know what you think.  I don’t think you’ll regret spending the time watching.
