pinterest to real life

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 02/01/12 •  2 min read

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If you have read the eBook The No Brainer Wardrobe then you know that I am a sucker for Pinterest, especially as a spot for wardrobe inspiration.  I wanted to start showing you how I put together outfits with what I have using Pinterest as a starting point.  Obviously, it won’t always be an exact match–and sometimes I wouldn’t want it to be exact anyway because oftentimes I am inspired by something that wouldn’t necessarily work well on my body.

I hope seeing the way I create outfits based on the inspiration images will be encouraging to you.  You don’t need to go buy all new clothes.  You don’t need to have a stylist.  You don’t need to know how to put it all together.  You just need to start with a guide (like images you love from Pinterest) and then use your closet to put the outfits together.

When I looked at this outfit, I picked out the main components of the outfit.  She is wearing a simple t-shirt, a knit vest with a shawl collar, a wide cinched belt, and black pants.  I don’t have black pants that are loose, so I used my favorite leggings (black compression spandex, no shine.  look amazing on everyone.).  I grabbed my grey t-shirt before I found a white one…no big deal.  I already knew I owned a sweater similar to this one (although shorter, no worries).  Finally, I threw on boots.  You see, it’s all about the spirit of the outfit…not the exact match.

Could you go through your Pinterest wardrobe boards and pull five looks based on pieces you already own?  Could you put together some new outfits without going shopping?  I bet you could–and you could probably do more than 5.  It’s amazing what looking at inspiration with a discerning eye can do for your wardrobe choices.

check back later today for the follow up flipside post to yesterday’s epic (be sure to read the comments!  they are AMAZING!)