no brainer wardrobe :: when you have no money

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 10/10/13 •  3 min read

It’s easy to get down on your clothing situation when your money is going to other places than your closet.

It’s far easier to feel in a slump or resort back to yoga pants and a hoodie.

Here’s my challenge to you, if you have no money in the budget for clothes.

1. Purge. Get rid of the yuck. You’ll immediately feel better about the situation…even if you can’t add to it. (Bonus! Sell your cast-offs for some extra cash!)

2. Be okay wearing the same clothes often. Get out of the middle school mentality of having to have a new outfit for each day. Nobody cares. Get over your bad self. :)

3. Scrape together $150. Even if it takes you 10 months of giving up any convenience or extravagance. It would be my guess that it will take you far less time.

4. Invest in 3-5 great pieces that will change the way you feel about your clothes. They don’t have to be neutral, but I’d suggest they be classic-ish. Personally, I think it’s fun to pool my money and then go on one big trip–because I like making a special day of it. But, you could also do it in small chunks and scout out the things you love and wait for sales.

5. Do a clothing swap with friends that are your size. Perfect way to switch things up.

6. Start to think of getting dressed as a problem that needs a solution. Problem: you need clothes to cover up and you need to feel FANTASTIC about yourself. Now, go to your closet with that end in mind. Honest talk? Right now I have 4 “bottoms” that I wear. A pair of black skinnies, a pair of colored skinnies, a pair of denim skinnies, and a pair of black leggings. I probably won’t add more until I wear those out. You don’t legitimately need 10 pairs of jeans. It would be wise to stop spending your extra money that way!

7. Hesitate spending money on cheap clothes. Most times, they will fail you in the long run. I love Target as much as the next girl, but I refuse to buy sweaters there, because they last one wear. I mostly just buy t-shirts and a trendy blouse here or there. The pants aren’t sized consistently enough for me to spend the time to try them on. Have restraint. Don’t pile clothes in your cart because they are cheap, they are there, and you fall into the myth that abundance will give you something to wear. Abundance will NOT give you great outfits. Abundance will only give you a full closet.



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