natalie schlabach, lady to watch

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 10/31/12 •  1 min read

Okay, I’m not making any money or any winning any brownie points for saying this…but, in my opinion, Natalie Schlabach is the lovely lady entrepreneur to keep an eye on. She makes beautiful clay goods–vessels, jewelry, Christmas ornaments (!!!). She was recently featured as a pick for Martha Stewart’s American Craft competition…she was a crazy hit at the Influence Conference market. She’s doing super exciting things, and it’s inspiring and fun to watch her grow.

If I could pick my favorite fall outfit (if I didn’t HAPPEN to be a million weeks pregnant), I would pair this beautifully warm, textured, statement necklace with it.

pants, top, booties, necklace

Who do you really believe in? Do they know you believe in them–and why? I think a lot of the time we can leave those things unsaid, assuming they hear praise from everyone. Is there anything you can do to encourage that person today?