Winter is SO scary. How our skin reacts to winter can be even scarier. Winter skin has caused me a lot of stressed and this year I was really hoping to get it figured out. You can actually read all about about our game plan to make it through the winter with yo’ head up (coming soon!!). Or if you’re a mama, check out Hayley’s eBook about thriving with kiddos in the cold weather. Anyways, this dry air is killer on my skin and after years and years of fighting it and trying tons of different methods, I think I have found some things that have helped my skin long-term, especially when it comes to winter skin.

toner | skin cleanse | cream
Enter: The Skin Cleanse by Adina Grigore
This book helped me A LOT. It didn’t solve my skin problems as I have come to the realization that my skin isn’t going to be perfect anytime soon. But, Adina’s approach to balance when it comes to skin care is just gold. She recommends keeping a food journal for a week or two and seriously keeping track of everything you but in your body. Matching that up with how your skin looks will give you insight into what’s making your skin go bonkers. I realized that white carbs (white bread, pasta) made me break out about 24-hours later. Chocolate didn’t really seem to do too much (Can I get a HALLELUJAH!?) She preaches all natural, but also knows that it’s all about balance and that you don’t have to wake up one morning and use only the most natural ingredients because that’s not how life works. I plan on food journaling for the start of the new year, too.
She doesn’t try to sell you anything in the book either. She gives you doable recipes for at home skin care products. You wouldn’t know she had her own skin care products, too. I read her book about 9 months ago and started buying some of the skin products a few weeks after that. I am SUPER grateful for what I learned.
Enter: S.W. Basics Toner and Cream
Alrighty, so let us start with the toner. It’s main and most hard-working ingredient is the apple cider vinegar. It’s magic and when I put it on after I shower, I can actually feel it working. I use it morning and night with a cotton ball and have seen significant improvements in my blackheads and my overall complexion. It was not a miracle worker, never going to have a pimple again kind of deal but I think it is probably time for me to let go of the thought that anything’s going to do that. It regulates my oil when my hormones get out of whack, too.
Next, the cream! It’s not a typical face lotion. It’s a heavy dose of coconut oil and shea butter that gives my skin moisture and some life. I use it equally, if not more on my body. It’s perfeeeect for nourishing my legs after I shave them (do people do that in the winter? Not sure?). I add lavender oil to it and it becomes this magic smelling skin food. It’s heavy so it does well in attacking the winter skin issue. If you are do decide to try it on your face, I would recommend starting with a very small amount and increase it as you think is necessary.
I’ve had good luck with this stuff. Everyone’s skin is drastically different so it might not be your answer, but yours is out there somewhere. I’ve recently started using this foaming wash, and along with the SW products, I have started to see some improvements. We’ve tackled other options, too if you are looking to start a new regime. At the end of the day, here’s to hoping our take on summer skin tips will be here before you know it!