This is the family room…great potential…horrible current state! :)
I think I looked at 25 houses while in Indiana. I had told my husband (who wasn't there for a far majority of the house-hunting…he had to work…I know…priorities, right?!) that I would not fall in love with a particular house. That would be silly, as I was just going to get a feel for the neighborhoods and what was available.
Well. I fell. Hard. We have affectionately termed it "the Lake House" as it is across the street from the bajillion dollar on.the.water lake homes. From the upstairs you can see the Lake, and it will be even more visible when the leaves fall. Phew, a reason to look forward to the looooong Indiana winters. It is a phenomenal deal, and the couple who are selling have lived there for ages and are so sad to sell, but need to downsize to something more manageable for empty-nesters.
Now, here's the hard part. I have an ache in my heart for this house. It's lovely. I want to move there, like yesterday. But, we haven't moved our house here in Charlotte yet. The market here is slower than molasses, and houses just aren't moving at all. We need God to work a miracle on this house…we don't need to make a zillion dollars on the sale, but we do want to have a tiny bit of our equity left to use for some renos in the Lake House.
Also, here's another kicker. It's really far north in the city. It would be a little extra drive for Husband to call on his clients, and it's a little further from family. But, we're talking 10 minutes further from family…not 3 hours. I think it's still doable, but Husband wants to look at just a few more houses further south.
Ahh, be still my heart. This transition is hard. Good thing Husband is here with us for the holiday weekend. The boys and I needed his presence.
Thanks for your patience with my lack of blogging amazingness! I plan to be back to regularly scheduled programming soon, and I have a bit of a blog redesign coming soon, plus a giveaway!