i’m into things and learning

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 05/02/14 •  3 min read


So, there are 2 other monthly linkups that I think fit REALLLY well with my Goals with Grace linkup.

1. What I’m Into hosted by Leigh Kramer


2. What We Learned hosted by Emily Freeman


So, first, lately I’m totally into a few things.

1. Thinking about all ends of the ethics of fashion. What are the implications, what are the challenges, what will American consumers respond to as far as price and quality? I had a guest post called 5 Steps to Ethical Fashion in November, and that is actually the post that started my brain chugging toward Wildly Co…which is becoming QUITE the project!

2. Call the Midwife. Because duh. This show is an exquisite display of humanity. It’s sparked all sorts of wonderings about all the ways to love well. Just watch the series start to finish if you can.

3. Dreaming about outdoor living this summer. (My “Outdoor Living” pinboard betrays my dreams!)

4. Making a dark nest at 9pm every night I can get away with it! I’ve been feeling way over stimulated lately, and to combat getting anxious and down because of ALL THE FEELINGS, I’ve been cocooning in my all-white bed, with my white iPad mini, watching one of my many shows on Hulu or reading something on the Kindle app. I just shut it down when I get drowsy and then drift off into a drowsy sleep. This has been a game-changer for the Hayley whose nerves get frayed with too much stimulation.


And, what I learned in April.

1. I learned that ENFP’s are frequently called introverted extroverts or ambiverts, or someone who is equally extroverted and introverted. Being an ENFP, THIS EXPLAINS SO STINKIN’ MUCH. I not extroverted enough for the extroverts, but I don’t identify totally with the introverts either.

2. Watching Don and Shauna in this class is so much fun!  A) This online class is totally worth it. And B) I saw Don speak at a tiny little Christian bookstore when Mike and I were in college, and I have to say–I think he’s had some media training. I know he’s said he has speaking consultants who sit in on his talks and write critiques, and it TRULY has made a huge difference. I mean, his affect is even completely different. He was difficult to connect with then, but he is super charming and relatable now.

3. The 2014 Reader Survey told me Tiny Twig readers want more Hayley real life. I’m going to do my very best to oblige. It’s not always easy for me to know what people are interested in, how much I can share about my boys, and how much I can share about other people in my life. It’s been harder since moving back to Indiana, because so much of my day to day life is with people who are intricately connected to every life stage. And I still see them weekly. :) Anyway, I can’t wait to try to figure it out!
