He’s almost home!!

By tiny twig •  Updated: 09/28/10 •  1 min read

Over the past 3 1/2 months I have spent 3 weeks with my husband.  It has been an incredibly strange time in our marriage, both amazingly easy and magnificently difficult.  I know it is just for a season, so it is bearable.  It also happens to have occured during a massive life change, which has made it almost unbearable. 

Having two boys that bear his likeness makes it easier, because so much of him is in them.  But, having two boys (less than 2 years apart) makes it much more difficult.  You see, most things in life are complex in their contradictions…this situation is not immune.  I have just kept moving forward one step at a time, fluffing our nest, counting down the days. 

But, I'm just 2 days away from having my handsome man back for a month and I'm on my toes excited.  I have lots of amazing things to show you (and YOU, Husband) when he gets home.  I can't wait!

