Gussy Giveaway Winner and Glimpse of My Home

By tiny twig •  Updated: 03/12/10 •  1 min read

The winner of the Gussy giveaway is one lucky girl!  She'll receive a $25 credit to Gussy's Shop.  So exciting!  Can I win my own giveaway???!  Nope…soooooo, Monica did!  Congrats girl–we'll be in contact soon!


Also, Emily at Chatting at the Sky is doing a linky of Glimpses of Our Home.  Little bits of our house that make it home.  I recently put together this little reading nook in our living room.  It was really a solution of what to do with our GIANT ottoman that we love for its usability but hate for its bulk.  So, I shoved it in the bottom of a little inset bookshelf and it fit.  Let me tell you…those serendipitous moments don't happen all too often in my home.  Oftentimes things are just a half an inch off…story of my life…a little skewed from perfect.  But, that's real life and that's home. 


My reflections on this week's mission will come later today.  I hope you guys are getting geared up for a lovely and exciting weekend!!
