Remember my original review of the book 7: an Experimental Mutiny Against Excess? Well, Jen Hatmaker’s words have weaseled their ways into my heart and have been echoing in my head like an earwig. I read 7 during a time when I was submitting to some subtle changes in my thinking. I have been struggling through and thinking about those same things for months now. I’m excited to let you know I was able to write a guest post for Bloom, which is (in)courage‘s book club, run by Angie Smith and Jessica Turner.
My heart turned toward living in a way that allows my life to have a beautiful cadence. One where the “haves” and the “have nots” dine together and are celebrated equally. My desire turned to parenting my boys in a way that would illustrate to them that the pizza delivery on a Friday night is an absolutely extraordinary blessing in the scope of the world’s population.
There was an article recently that got my heart aching and my mind racing. Did you know that 40% of the food in America goes wasted, yet 1 in 6 American’s haven’t enough to eat? Clearly, this is not a supply issue. The problem isn’t that we have too many people to feed, or that we cannot grow enough food to feed the hungry. The problem is, the “haves” are taking more than we need without thought.
Read the rest of the post over at (in)courage.