giving up on good 4

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 05/31/12 •  2 min read

I have to say this.  I love what Dave Ramsey is about.

We do not follow Dave Ramsey’s financial prescriptions.  I love his ideas and I know he has had success and led many others along the same path.

Someday, maybe we will do it.  But, right now…we do the best we can.  We try to plan well.  We budget.  We track things with  We don’t buy ostentatious things.  But we don’t stay up and stress at night about paying down our 30 year mortgage 20 years early.

I know that many churches have Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University right up next to doctrine (I say this in jest).  I know that many great families live by Dave Ramsey’s advice.  I know how free and amazing they feel when they are beholden to no one.

I also know, because of the bravado and boldness of Ramsey, how you can begin to feel less than if you aren’t 100% debt free.

Yes, you can be incredibly blessed and a massive blessing to others when you live according to Ramsey’s precepts.  But, you have just as much worth and intelligence–even if you don’t.  :)

We’d love to have you join our “Giving Up on Good” link up! Jessi and I write every Thursday about something traditionally thought of as “good” that just isn’t a good fit for our family right now. The idea was sparked because of my post and Jessi’s post that spoke to the same heart issue. You can leave your link below or on Jessi’s blog–it’ll show up on both!