how do you get going?

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 09/10/14 •  2 min read


The top two questions I get every single day are these:

1. How do you find what you’re passionate about? (This oftentimes comes from young women just getting going in life. I also hear it from new-ish moms who are exhausted and looking for anything to be passionate about outside of diapers and sleep routines)

2. How do you get going? (This is a darn near universal question.)

These questions sometimes really come in the form of this statement.

“Wow, you have fun stuff going on! I am just not brave enough to do those things!”

Right now, that’s my story to tell. Those are the words I wake up wanting to write. That is the encouragement I want to give women.

The answer isn’t “You can do anything you want to do!” or “You’re made of the same stuff as Beyonce!”. I don’t want to be part of setting up a generation of women for disappointment. Sometimes things will fail. And the goal is certainly never to be flashy or fancy. “Famous” is nothing worth striving for.

But, I do think there are very life-giving parts of being a starter, being a woman who is willing to give it a go. Most of the time, I see starting as synonymous with hope–because hope is putting stock in something you can’t yet see. And, we all know, the world can definitely use a little more hope.

Tonight, I’m kicking off my podcast called “Press Play” with a super informational, packed-full-of-hope Influence Network class by the same name. I’d LOVE to have you there. If the time doesn’t fit your schedule–don’t worry, you’ll get a recording in your inbox to watch at your convenience.

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click each icon to be taken to the class or to sign up for all the information about my upcoming podcast!