Asher-Day 7

By tiny twig •  Updated: 05/12/11 •  2 min read

Ashertoes-web little man has my acrobatic toes

Quick update tonight on Asher’s ONE WEEK birthday!  :)  Glad we’ve made it a week.  So thankful.

Prayer requests stand the same: he needs to drastically slow his respiration rate and he needs to start eliminating some of this excess fluid.  He has a chest x-ray tomorrow to see if the fluid is affecting his lungs.  The nurses say his lungs don’t sound soggy–but they’re going to keep an eye on it.

Some fun things from today: I got to change diaper #2 today.  Such a “mom” responsibility…which helps me feel like I’m DOING something.  Also, I got to hold him again for about an hour today.  For the first 1/2 hour he was absolutely wide awake and completely alert.  He kept looking at me like I was really his mom.  Precious.  It was like a sweet balm to my little momma heart to see my little guy looking a lot more like the baby I gave birth to one week ago today.

A really good sign (at least I think it’s a good sign!) is that the doctors seem to have less and less to say to us each day.  It is starting to become more like “just waiting for him to heal” kind of messages.  We’re thankful for those days–and we are thankful that we have not had the downs that normally come with the ups in the NICU, so far.

Thanks so much for praying for us.  Really.  And truly.
