Adventure in Many Forms

By tiny twig •  Updated: 07/17/10 •  2 min read



a favorite image from our home in Charlotte

It seems that I have secured housing for my little family for the interim between Charlotte and our "Lake House".  Praise the Lord, because it would stink to live on the side of the road…especially with 2 toddler/preschooler people…and a Husband who likes a homecooked meal.  I tell you what.

Anyhow.  We will reside with my paternal grandparents (occupying their slightly chilly basement) until we close on our house, which is ::fingers crossed:: September 13.  The inspection is this Wednesday, and hopefully it doesn't turn up anything that is a deal-breaker.  

Husband and my in-laws will arrive this coming weekend to pack up our Charlotte house and we will make our way back the way we came 4 years ago.  I'll probably cry this time, too. 

I would say our stay in Charlotte was a complete success in all ways, we learned and grew so much.  We are equally excited to be traveling home to befriend, love, and impact those people closest to us…our family.  :)  We want our children to know their great-grandparents (all of whom are still alive!) in a very real way.  It is a joy and a blessing to be close to family…we know this, and are excited to see it played out in our daily lives.
