Adulthood is confusing. There is this perception that as you near being a “grown-up” that you will have so many answers to questions that you have longed for. Welp, sadly the whole process of getting older can sometimes seem like the opposite. Some days I feel like instead of answers, I just have more questions! But it’s not like school where you can cram and learn the answer in a night. Answers to these questions come after years and sometimes when you least expect it.
One thing I’ve learned is that I have to be okay with not knowing. As time passes, I realize I am probably learning more about the unknown as compared to anything else! Being okay with the unknown does not mean you’re not on a track or that you’re failing. It means you are moving and just not sure where you’re going next. It is okay to change while others seem like they are staying the same. And it is just perfectly fine to stay put when you feel like others are moving fast. You don’t have to keep up. Stop trying to keep up!
This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t have goals and dreams and wishes and hopes and pictures of things in your mind. You should! But I want you to know that if sometimes those goals and dreams bring you moments of blur that you aren’t alone. You are not stuck, and whether you can see it or not, you’re moving.
Before I started college, I realistically thought I would be living far away from home, graduating and heading straight to law school, and have a bunch of new friends. Now, as I near graduation, I find myself happily living at home, staying far far away from law school, and having approximately three new, sweet friends. Oh, and clueless about where I am going next. Sometimes my brain thinks about it and starts to to feel super discouraged but then I remember clueless is not a bad thing.
Right now, in this moment, if you’re feeling clueless, I think you should celebrate it. It means you brain is going and you are trying. It means you might not be keeping up, but you have the precious time to figure it all out. If you are feeling like a plain house with a messy yard (see above!), look for the pretty door. You’ll find it, and you’ll open it, and you’ll walk right on through.
You got this!
We’re encouraging you and finding the good in being clueless right there with you. Xoxo.