Willingness to Change

By tiny twig •  Updated: 08/23/11 •  2 min read


Seasons change.  We know this.  We instinctively start quietly yearning for the next season, just in time for it's arrival.  Is this how we were wired?  I know that in the changing seasons of life, this has served me well.  Just before a huge life change, ones that I couldn't have predicted or planned, my heart has grown uncomfortable with the status quo.  Such grace. 

I'll be chugging through my days, with the contentedness and peace that I get when our family is operating in our "sweet spot".  Then, slowly and surely I'll begin to feel an itch.  It is an itch so subtle that I don't even notice it at first.  I start to feel unsettled and uncomfortable.  In the early moments of the discontent I wonder what is wrong.  I wonder if I'm feeling anxious or depressed.  I normally feel the desire to purge the house to lessen my load. 

But really, I've found over the last few years, these moments of discomfort are the very moments that are preparing my heart for change.  If I was overjoyed at the day to day, the change would be more painful.  It would be like the rug being pulled out from under my steady and planted feet.  But, the days before change bring a bit uncertainty and questioning that lead to a greater willingness to take a leap.
