M9 :: Planning My Purge

By tiny twig •  Updated: 03/03/10 •  2 min read

When I decided to do this "ruthless purge", Husband would freely admit that he was not a happy camper.  He likes…stuff.  He likes his college t-shirts (all 99999 million of them from college intramural sports, Rachel do you feel my pain?!).  He is worried that he won't have something when he needs it.  His mother tells me he gets this from his father.  :) 

I think Husband also recognized my tendency to burn-out on big projects like this…a trail of mess leading to me pouring over old high school yearbooks or baby pictures I got lost in.  That phenomena has happened since I was a very young child.  I don't understand it, but I get sucked in every.stinkin.time.  

So.  Do I have a plan to combat this?  No.  Well, that's halfway true.  I have the plan to go through each room twice.  Ruthless, remember.  But, I plan to only do one room at a time and finish that task before moving on…it's the moving on that always gets me. 

This is what I captured from my kitchen in the first go-round.  Please disregard the wet mess on the table.  Twig1 is enamored with water, and look (LOOK!) how many containers are sitting there just waiting to be filled up and dumped out.  He has almost ruined our wood floors more times than I can count.  When will this water-love be over?!  I digress.


Now, this may not look like much, but it's only the first round of one room.  I also have 4 giant bags of clothes waiting by the front door and 1 bag of toys.  Tomorrow, I shall conquer the playroom.  This article interviewing Lisa Mahar is both fascinating and convicting as far as children's playthings go.  I highly recommend this article if you have kids, it's among my favorite material out there on the internets. 

Also, what I plan on doing with this stuff is interesting…but I'm not entirely sure what the outcome will be…sooooooo, stay tuned.  How's that for a tease?  ;)

Alright.  Must go puuuuurrrrrrrge.  There is a lot to do and not a lot of time.  
