the lake I live on now (made with m21)
I’m currently…
Watching…Nashville, Chicago Fire, evvvvverythinnnnng. I binged on Netflix and Hulu+ this weekend because of this nasty cold/flu-ish virus that has hung on for too long.
Enjoying…reading through the posts in the Influential Women Link-up. The posts make me adore the members even more. If you aren’t a member, you should check out these incredible women–and if you want, join us in the Network!
Planning…how to make my little brother’s high school graduation really special. We’re thinking a backyard barbecue, family flying in, twinkly lights, hopefully some lightning bugs. ;)
Excited for…the launch of the Influencer Magazine. I literally cannot wait.
Cooking…less than I should! I so want to get back into cooking regularly rather than just throwing together something at the last minute.
Pinning…things to the Influence Network boards. I’m trying to beef this up so that it becomes a great resource for women who want to make their online life mean something.
Inspired by…motherhood. I am so incredibly in awe of my children, the way they are growing, the people they are becoming, how I get to see each of them through the seasons of life. It’s completely and utterly humbling and awe-inspiring.
Remembering…everything. I’m working on writing from memory, and it’s amazing the small details I can recall when I simply sit down and put myself back in a specific moment in time. Try to remember playing on the playground at recess. Can you remember what your house smelled like as a child? These are the things I’ve been delving into, and it’s incredible the imprint the mind recalls.
the lake we lived near in Charlotte