eli patrick

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 01/15/13 •  2 min read

Our sweet boy is here! The final member of our little squad of boys is here! No, we’re not going for another to round out the basketball team…a golf foursome is great for us! We’re just so overly blessed with each of these boys, so thankful and so mindful of the blessing they are.

Eli was my longest pregnancy, my longest labor, and my biggest baby. Go figure, right? :) He followed big brother Asher, and had to go to the NICU last night…which just brought a flood of memories from our last delivery.  Thankfully, they are just following up on some tests and it looks like it is nothing “BIG AND SCARY’ like last time.

To be honest, there were 2 main thoughts that rounded out the last month of my pregnancy.  First, while waiting for the finish of my longest pregnancy…God impressed upon my heart “I will fight for you, you need only be still” daily. Everytime I wondered or was tempted to “strive” I just remembered that God was already doing a good work within me and within Eli–and I just needed to be a patient vessel.

Secondly, last night when for the 3rd time I went to bed without a baby in my room, I felt a very clear choice between following fear or following the Lord. I could let my emotions follow fear, a path full of doubt and uncertainty OR I could follow the Lord, knowing that He never changes and is as good today as yesterday. I made many small conscious decisions to turn away from fear and toward the Lord who fights for me. It was still a hard night, and I was still sad…but I didn’t let fear rob the joy of our first night as a family of 6.

Anyway, we’re thrilled that Eli is here. We’re hopeful that his stay in the NICU will be short. And we know without a doubt that yesterday at 12:08pm, we witnessed something that only God could do. We are in awe and amazement at the joy He has allowed us through our boys.

edited to add: Eli was discharged from the NICU after just a night and we’re all happy and at home. So thankful!