Wow. So, after tediously and tirelessly trying to get a hold of the people at Community Yoga, I went to a Yoga class. It was so difficult to figure out which class to go to–because I am a beginner after all. I left messages, and no one called me back. I stopped by the studio, but the lights were off and about 20 people were in the middle of class. There is no reception area, just the studio room. No other employees present, only the teacher. How was I supposed to get any information at all?
This didn't sit well with my Type A, time oriented, detail loving self. I wanted to know the whole picture before I jumped in with 2 feet. After all, if you've learned anything about me, you should know by now that I don't like to look uninformed or stupid.
But, with the week drawing to a close and no one calling me back…I did what I dreaded. I jumped in with 2 feet. For the love of the blog and the integrity of my cause–adventure–I did what had to be done. I went to Yoga.
First, because I don't like to look stupid, I went to the Mecca of Consumerism…Target. I had to get a Yoga mat, because I didn't know if the studio provided them. I didn't know this bit of information, because NO ONE ANSWERED THE PHONE…EVER. So anyway.
Apparently, Yoga is big business. Most everything in this area was for either Yoga or Pilates. I only got a mat. A $9 mat. I didn't want to drop a lot of money on something I wasn't sure I'd love. But, which mat to get? There are so many choices.
Ah yes, I know. The one that says "Twig" on it. It seemed providential, and the fact that it was $9 made me extra happy. Especially when some of the other choices were $30. Yay! And as an added bonus, it is orange.
Now, I had my gear and I was dressed appropriately. Time to head to the class. What was I going to encounter? What was this going to be like? Was I going to like it? Was I going to look stupid? Would they all be professional Yogis?
Well, I showed up. I went inside. And, I was the ONLY ONE THERE. It was like a private Yoga lesson at first. She taught me several of the basics and she taught me a little about Yoga as a philosophy or way of life. Eventually, another girl showed up. But, I can't complain–I got so much personal attention and didn't feel silly at all.
It was such a relaxing experience, and one I deeply needed yesterday. We did poses like downward dog, warrior 1, warrior 2, tree pose, cobra, and child's pose. I know we did others, but I was focusing so much on breathing, doing the poses correctly, not falling over, not looking silly, and not slipping off my mat to remember.
At the end we did a meditation on the colors, which I found difficult to do. I just couldn't meditate on red, "let red fill my mind, let red fill my body, breathe red in, breathe red out." Instead, I focused on the fruits of the Spirit that seemed to correlate with the sentiments she was describing.
It was nice to be so focused. In no uncertain terms, I live a very scattered life. I find it difficult to balance all of the roles that I play on a daily basis, but it was nice to spend some good time focusing. It is something I will do more of in the future.
More on my reflections tomorrow. :)