I have an issue with eBooks. They are like candy–easy to buy, easy to devour.
Right now, I’m reading three books that I’d highly recommend. They encompass most of my life right now.
First, Work Shift by Anne Bogel. I wrote the forward for this eBook–and I’d recommend it even if that wasn’t the case! I think it is apparent that young women today feel differently about work and life than any generation before us. Anne beautifully lays out the why’s as well as dozens of how’s from contemporary women. It’s equal parts sociology and instruction. Fascinating.
Be Quiet and Say Something is a book I’d read even if I had to traipse to Barnes and Noble to buy it. Jessi lays out the lessons she’s learned throughout her young adult years–imparting the wisdom she’s gained about using your voice. As I’ve gotten close with Jessi over the past few months (through our work on The Influence Conference), I’ve been so impressed with her ways as a woman, a wife, and a leader.
Finally, this is the eBook I’d have loved to had when I published The No Brainer Wardrobe. If you are planning to publish an eBook, Self Publish is a good read. This eBook details a lot of the more mundane processes and allows you to focus on your message.
These books really spell out where I’m at in life right now. I’m a woman, with a voice, using that voice in my work…trying to make it all work. Can you relate?
I’d go so far as to recommend Work Shift and Be Quiet and Say Something to any and every woman, even if you have nothing to do with any work or life online. :)