A note from Tiny Twig: I am starting a new Friday series with some questions for some of my favorite bloggers. These questions quench my desire to know more about my online friends. :) I want to know the blogs the love, the things they love about themselves and some of what they dream about. Without further ado, here is the first installment with Lindsey from honeysuckle & heart. p.s.–check out here "about" page…I think we might have worn the same wedding dress!
hello, sweet readers of Tiny Twig! I'm thrilled to be writing a post here, because this blog has inspired me in so many ways – especially to seek community in our neighborhood and live boldly. Normally you can find me at honeysuckle & heart, where I journal about our home, daily stories, and all things girly.
My daily reads:
1. Simple Lovely – this blog was one of the first I started reading, and it is a gem, chock full of design & family life inspiration
2. Cupcakes and Cashmere – delicious recipes and outfit compositions stream from a golden California girl's blog
3. Little Green Notebook – I live vicariously through this sweet interior designer who posts her design and d.i.y. projects
My dream outfit:
Everything about this look reads timeless, simple, and fun. Dresses are my staple since they can transition through three Indiana seasons. The twinkling white star print paired with pockets won me over. Check out the little stripes peeking out from the inside of her yellow bag. LOVE.
My dream office:
Currently, my husband and I share a tiny desk that usually gets overwhelmed with paperwork each week — so I'm dreaming big here, friends! I love this beautiful white & grey office nestled into a nook with three windows. The upholstered chair to curl up in is a must when I'm blogging or grading research papers. A view of the outdoors energizes me even during mundane tasks like paying bills. I would love to put the magnetic inspiration board to good use with all the magazine clippings that normally collect on my desk.
Favorite picture of myself:
This picture was taken by my husband on our first vacation alone since our honeymoon. I love it, because he caught the loving expression in my eyes. Somehow when he takes the picture, I'm not worried about body image or clothes – but I look through the lens at him. I almost chose a picture from our honeymoon (partially because I had a tan), but I switched because this was taken after we had endured more together. Things aren't as fresh & shiny anymore, but our love is deeper for each other – prettier than any tan.
One thing I love about myself:
My inner tomboy. Growing up surrounded by boys, I secretly relish the fact that I can hit a line drive, ski a black diamond, wake board (a little), and hold my own in a science lab.