Asher at One Month…
- weighs in at 7lb 5oz
- is 19.5in long
- eats about 3.5oz every 3 to 4 hours (I exclusively pump for Asher, like I did for his brothers.)
- sleeps about 4 hours at a time at night
- loves to be swaddled (and Dad is 1000x better at swaddling than me, can I get an amen??)
- makes eye contact
- turns head and seeks out my voice when he hears me in a room
- enjoys the occasional bottle fed to him by big brother Noah (Noah adores this time)
- has successfully avoided injury from kind-but-not-gentle Cooper :)
- still solidly in newborn clothing
- is healthy as can be, Praise God!
Thank you, those of you, who have emailed or tweeted or facebooked me to check up on Asher. He is progressing like a normal little guy. I am knee deep in thank you notes for NICU nurses, meal-bringers, and other entirely too generous friends. I am thankful that I need to be thankful.